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Animated GIFs

Going for Gold gameified an internal sales rally. Assets were created to 'publicly' show when teams were taking actions to achieve points on an internal social media platform. 

The 8-bit art-style proved to be a fun challenge when creating animations. GIFs created in Adobe After Effects. 

Concept art for an internal initiative to boost morale and inspire colleagues to share their personal stories of their career.

Email header with the word 'welcome' displayed in the top 12 most spoken language in North America. Used as an introduction to company's Inclusion and Diversity group.

HTML emails/newsletters

Inclusion & Diversity - monthly internal newsletter

Worked with committee chair to assess what the business needed to know about rolling I&D efforts. Built the template and help curate the content each month. Support with visuals and development. Built using Taxi for Email html tool. 

Things to know - weekly internal newsletter

Developed the naming system for content. Contribute ideas and content to maintain the voice of the communication. Source, edit, and manage visuals. Built using Pardot. 

Heritage Month - weekly newsletters during celebratory month

Partnered with the employee resource group to determine what the content should be and developed the process for writing/submission. Built using Taxi for Email html tool.

Community Engagement

The idea

Office culture was up-ended when covid forced everyone to work from home. How do you keep a team of market researchers connected and engaged? You send out weekly 2-question surveys to check in on their mental health and/or new daily activities. 

The results were posted to the company's internal social media platform. The goal was to prove that what employees were feeling wasn't unique to them and that they weren't isolated. 

The approach

Each survey had one quantitative and one qualitative question. Visually, the quantitative results were displayed in the company's 'tier 1' approach. The qualitative results were displayed in the colorful 'tier 2' approach utilizing icons to help tell the story.

The project was called #WFHChronicles as a way to easily search the pieces. That hashtag took off and became the tool across the global business to document employee experiences during lockdown. 

Motion graphics

Animated type to Reshma Saujani's TEDtalk "Teach girls bravery, not perfection."

Marcia Lausen received the AIGA Medal in 2016 in recognition for her work. This piece animates just two of her projects as a 'commercial' for a fictitious program entitled History of Graphic Design.  

Using Format